<h2>Training and skills</h2><p>Get top tips, skills and training techniques from these pages. </p>
Five quick ways to improve your climbing technique
1st Dec '20
Martin Mobråten and Stian Christophersen, authors of The Climbing Bible, with ideas to improve your climbing
Motivation and Psyche
9th Jun '20
Gareth Parry gives you some tips on how to gain motivation and keep the psyche in your climbing and training.
What’s in a grade: How do grades work and do they matter?
8th Jun '20
Lakes based climber and mountaineering instructor Wes Hunter, from adventurehunter.co.uk, explains the not so complicated issue of climbing grades.
Home Training: self-isolating and staying fit
3rd Apr '20
Mark Reeves gives you a few ideas to maintain some of that hard-won climbing fitness many of us have developed this winter.
Spring clean your rack
18th Mar '20
Libby Peter gives advice on getting your rack in order for the coming climbing season whilst stuck at home.
Speed in the Mountains part 1 – Changing up a gear
20th Feb '20
As the conversation turns to the Alps and folk put together their summer wish list it’s time to start that fitness campaign and hone skills needed.
The Climber's Coach - Warming up Part 2
6th Feb '20
In the second part, Gareth Parry continues his theme of ‘Warming Up’ offering a series of climbing-specific steps
Training - Mix it Up
18th Jan '20
In the article, Gareth Parry recommends that you mix up your training to avoid hitting a plateau and getting bored with the same routines.
Bouldering Basics - all you need to know
17th Jan '20
Expert climber Gareth Parry takes you through all you need to know about bouldering outdoors - either for the first time or the more experienced boulderer.
Safe and Sensible: Lowering Off Sport Climbs
24th Dec '19
AMI instructor and guide, Mark Reeves, shows the best way to thread a lower-off safely at the top of a sport route in preparation for a safe lower down the route.
Tips on how to climb E1
10th Dec '19
E1 is a grade to treat with respect and for most folk it is a grade that will not happen overnight; to climb the grade gracefully it is something that should be approached with care ...
Climbing Grades Explained
10th Dec '19
It is one of the oldest topics of discussion amongst climbers and Neil Gresham helps you understand it all.