Coronavirus - IFSC cancel climbing competitions
- Friday 13th March 2020
With COVID-19 coronavirus taking hold around the world and affecting many events, the IFSC has decided to cancel a number of forthcoming competitions and has issued this statement:
Update on IFSC competitions
The International Federation of Sport Climbing, together with the IFSC Continental Councils and in agreement with the National Federations and the Local Organising Committees of the competitions affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus, took some strategic decisions concerning the calendar of the upcoming months.
Specifically, it has been decided to:
Postpone the IFSC European Championships in Moscow (RUS), initially scheduled to take place from March 20 to 27; the competition is now scheduled from June 15 to 22
Postpone the IFSC World Cup in Meiringen (SUI), initially scheduled to take place from April 3 to 4, and the IFSC World Cup in Seoul (KOR), initially scheduled to take place from May 8 to 10; both competitions will likely be held between September and October
Postpone the circuit of IFSC Europe cups and IFSC Europe youth cups that were scheduled to take place in April and May; the IFSC Europe Sport Department is working closely with each event organiser in order to establish a new calendar for the competitions affected by this issue
These decisions add up to the ones that were taken in the previous weeks:
To postpone the two IFSC World Cup competitions initially scheduled to take place in Wujiang (CHN) and Chongqing (CHN) in April
To postpone and relocate the IFSC Asian Championships initially scheduled to take place in Chongqing (CHN) from April 25 to May 3
Any further development will be communicated in due time on the IFSC website here