Dave MacLeod completes his recovery with send of Catalan Witness the Fitness
- Tuesday 6th February 2018
Feb 6th; 2018
Just six month after a serious shoulder injury, Dave MacLeod signals his return to strength with a repeat of Chris Sharma’s Catalan Witness the Fitness in Cova De l’ Ocell, Catalunya.
Dave climbing Catalan Witness the Fitness. Screen grab Dave MacLeod
CWTF was in the news earlier on this year when Jakob Schubert shocked many by flashing Sharma’s test-piece. Originally graded Font 8c, CWTF saw several repeats after Sharma’s ascent. Schubert however, not only shocked many with his flash but then he further rocked the boat by suggesting a down-grade to Font 8b+. Writing on his blog Dave MacLeod appears to go with that down-grade: “I don’t have the same experience at this level of bouldering as those other guys, but given what I do have, I think I would concur with 8B+.”
In his blog Dave talks both about the process of working CWTF and his concerns about his shoulder recovery. As usual, it’s well worth reading so grab a brew and read Dave’s full account here...
Watch Dave climb CWTF below: