Hamish Potokar and Billy Ridal on grit sending spree
- Sunday 4th January 2015
Jan 4th; 2015
Social media is absolutely buzzing tonight with the news that Hamish Potakar and Billy Ridal, both GB Junior Bouldering members, have had an amazing day on the grit today respectively doing The Voyager (Font 8b) and Careless Torque (Font 8a).
Hamish Pokotar trying The Voyager last week. Photo Mike Langley
Billy Ridal was trying Careless Torque last week when Alex Waterhouse topped out. Alex has held the crown as the youngest person to do CT for less than ten days as that now passes to Billy who is just a few days younger than Alex.
Hamish Potakar was up in the Peak last week as well having a look at The Voyager – as we previously reported in our Grit Round-up which we posted last week. Thwarted by wet holds from the snow melt Hamish was back today for a second session which proved sufficient for him to finish the job off!
We’re in touch with both Hamish and Billy and hope to bring you the low down ASAP. Meanwhile, it seems as that GB Junior Bouldering team are building up for an amazing year!!