Kirkpatrick releases extract to boosts Indiegogo Denali campaign
- Friday 26th December 2014
Dec 26th; 2014
Andy Kirkpatrick is looking to boost his Indiegogo campaign to help fund his attempt on a winter sole ascent of Denali by releasing an extract from his next book, MTN.
Kirkpatrcik started his Indiegogo campaign back in December (see here for our initial report…) and thus far, he has raised 45% of the £5k he requires. However, there’s only eight days left to go in the campaign so he’s looking to boost fund raising by releasing an extract from his next book MTN. This will be a technical book on mountaineering and according to Andy’s latest blog is aimed at those interested in non technical mountain stuff - “which should be great for anyone doing greater ranges trips (or UK winter camping!).”
The MTN extract is on Andy’s blog so click through here if you want to check it out...
Click through here to go to his Indiegogo campaign and help crowd fund his expedition to Denali…